Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Speaking of the little guy...

Here are some pics of our cutest little guy.

Bob has the cutest paws!

Bob hanging out with his animal friends.

Look at this sweet little face!

This is Baby Bob Bob.  He weighed only 3 lbs and was covered in fleas when he was found in the snow in Detroit, Michigan.  While he has grown and grown and grown, his head and paw size haven't changed much over the years.  To give you a sense of how small he was, Yuki the Pomeranian weighed maybe 6 lbs.  Bob was really small.

The Proposal

On August 14, 2009 (1 day after my dad's bday), Malcolm proposed and I said yes!  So a lot of people have been asking me questions like, "how did he do it?" and "did you cry?"  The answer to the latter question is, no, but was I supposed to?  I guess a lot of people cry.  I think I had a huge grin on my face instead.  =)

Here is how the proposal went down: On August 14 around 7:30 am, as I was getting ready to go to work, Malcolm asked me for a hug.  Being always late and rushing, I said, "okay, but just a small one."  So Malcolm gave me a hug, and asked, "Can we have more kitties together?"  I said, "Of course!"  (We do have names picked out for our future kittens.)  Then he pulled out a box from his pocket, which contained the most beautiful ring.  Malcolm did good.

Malcolm later told me that he had been trying to ask me for a few days, and had been trying to get Bob to cooperate, but the little guy wasn't too interested in being cooperative.  His ultimate plan was to ask on August 13, when I got home from work.  However, Bob was focused on protecting his kittydom because there was a cat outside trying to say hi.  Bob was getting really angry and puffing up to a big cotton ball.  So rather than forcing Bob to help out on August 13, Malcolm fell asleep.  Haha.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Welcome to our blog!  Malcolm and I initially planned on putting together a wedding website, but instead decided to blog.  Here, we will blog about our wedding planning madness, long distance relationship, and our love for the little furry guy, Bob the Cat.  We'll do our best to keep you entertained and informed.  Thanks for visiting and come again!