Monday, June 28, 2010

A day in the life of lamb

our little Lamb is quite expressive.  her eyes are open now and she's exploring her new world.  at the tender age of 11 days old, Lamb likes to let us know exactly what she's thinking.

I love my new bed.

Chilling in dad's hand.

Aggggh!!!  i can't believe US lost to Ghana!!!

High five!

ooOOOooo!  TOES!!!

Mmmm...fingers!  nom nom nom

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Lamb is growing so fast, she's practically sprouting!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An Apple a Day

Our little Lamb is growing so fast!

This was Lamb yesterday:

Today, she is conquering the apple!  

{via Malcolm's blurry iPhone}

If I was raised in Korea, this would be me. =D

 {via ffffound}

Monday, June 21, 2010

it's a girl!

we have news.  

Malcolm and I have a new kitten!!!  Her name is Lamb on Rice (long story) and she is now 7 days old.  She is a little orange and white tabby and is Chinese.  We call her Lamb or Little.  I told Bob about Lamb and he is absolutely over the moon about having a new little sister.  Maybe we should just call her Mei Mei.  

Malcolm and his cousin Connie found Lamb in front of one of the bakeries.  Connie picked up the little girl and showed her to Malcolm.  Sadly, they couldn't locate Lamb's biological mom or her siblings, but we are so happy that Lamb managed to find her way over to Malcolm!  Malcolm and Connie promptly took Lamb to the vet (yes, there are vets in China), who said that she was healthy, no fleas but really hungry.  Malcolm and Connie have been working around the clock to feed the little girl every 2 hours.  Her eyes aren't open yet but she is super active and meows a lot.  As the days go by, her meows seem to be getting louder.

So, without further delay, here is Lamb!

Isn't she absolutely darling?  This is what Bob jumping up and down looking thrilled when I told him about his new little sister:

He is so excited!  I hope they get along.  They would be so cute together. =)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

With love, from China

There are many things I look forward to in my anticipated move to China.  A few of those things include:

1.  Living with my husband
2.  Living with my husband
3.  Living with my husband

Also, the new adventure of living in a totally new country, being only 2 hours away from my relatives in Korea, and learning a new language.  

But best of all, I get to experience this:

1.  Excessive public spitting

2.  Diaper-less babies

Aren't you excited for me?!?!